As of the time of writing this guide, it is an incredibly glitchy game. Published 30th November 2016 Fight your way through hordes of enemies in this pixel-styled side-story of Final Fantasy XV, where King Regis tells his son Noctis a little bedtime story. A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV Trophy Guide By ShadowStefan.
Use this guide to get a 100% in Final Fantasy XV's second DLC, centered around.
Updated 12th March 2020 Final Fantasy XV is the first of the mainline Final Fantasy games to make it to PS4, it also changes the system as we know it to a more action paced combat Final Fantasy XV Trophy Guide & Roadma. Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10 (when playing on easy difficulty) Approximate amount of time to platinum: 40-60 hours (when playing on easy difficulty) Offline Trophies: 51 (42, 5, 3, 1) Number of missable trophies: 0 (can go back everywhere after the story to mop up side quests etc.) Glitched trophies: 0 Does difficulty affect trophies? Final Fantasy XV Trophy Guide By TakahashiDemon